University Life

Have you ever been thrown into an entirely new environment and then been asked to write about how that feels? Well this is how I’d imagine that would be executed. I walked around the campus at University and took about 80 photos of spots, people and moods that grabbed my attention, then I whittled that plethora of images down to two photos that I believe accurately depict life at University.


As I walked around the University I spent a fair bit of time at the duck pond lawn near the UniBar. This area sees the highest foot traffic in the campus in my opinion. The lawn on campus presents an interesting juxtaposition; at a glance it is a hive of activity with countless conversations hanging in the air, but scratch a little deeper and the other dimensions of the lawn quickly come into focus. People sleeping, texting, reading, eating or smoking all combine to create the most complex landscape I’ve come across on campus so far.

I took this photo just outside the library. As I wondered aimlessly around campus I noticed that the library was the main hub for people that wanted to actually get work done, or at least look like they wanted to. In highschool the library is seen as kind of an obsolete knowledge base where the books serve little purpose because everything is covered in the prescribed text books, and the same can be said about both TAFE institutes I have attended, and the private College I was enrolled in didn't even have a Library, but at University I was pleased to find that students get so much out of the abundance of text in the Library.

I took this photo just outside the library. As I wondered aimlessly around campus I noticed that the library was the main hub for people that wanted to actually get work done, or at least look like they wanted to. In highschool the library is seen as kind of an obsolete knowledge base where the books serve little purpose because everything is covered in the prescribed text books, and the same can be said about both TAFE institutes I have attended, and the private College I was enrolled in didn’t even have a Library, but at University I was pleased to find that students get so much out of the abundance of text in the Library.

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